I have approx. 4 more months left to stay in Romania. After this I will go in Delft, The Netherlands. How is this possible? I have been accepted to the Computer Science MSc Programme at Delft University of Technology.
After living for twenty one years in Brasov I have decided that it is the time for a change. Brasov is a great city but I want to see how life is in other places (I’ve never been outside Romania), I want to see how living away from my parents, away from my friends in an unknown place. I’ve met a lot of great people here (probably would have to write thousands of words to enumerate them all) and I am sure will miss them but maybe I will come back after two years. Anyway I hope that when I return (and I will return even just for a few days) I’ll the opportunity to see them again.
Delft seems a nice city. It is situated between The Hague and Rotterdam, it is close to the seaside and actually is the opposite of Brasov which is 600 meters above the sea level and surrounded by mountains - it is a biiiiig change. You can look at the panorama picture below showing the entire city (Delft).
However I have not applied to the MSc Programme to go in an adventure :) I think and hope that going to a good university is a step forward, a step that will help me in my career and will boost my chances of obtaining my dream job (I won’t tell which is it). Computer Science is what I want to do - I am a geek and I will probably be one for all my life so the opportunity of studying what I like will help me in following my career goals.
That is for now, there are still 4 1/2 months to go until the departure and many things can happen until then. I still have to obtain my Bachelor diploma and successfully pass all this semester’s exams. Hopefully there will be no events that might have a bad impact on my departure.